Latest Product Updates

Our latest product enhancements help you discover prospects and act on accounts faster.

Crunchbase HubSpot integration graphic with Crunchbase and HubSpot connecting

Introducing Crunchbase’s New HubSpot Integration

With Crunchbase’s HubSpot integration, easily build and track your pipeline with a single, easy-to-use solution.

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Celebrating Crunchbase’s $50 Million Series D

We just closed an oversubscribed $50 million Series D and put ourselves on a path to profitability.

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Find Your Next Deal with Similar Companies

View similar accounts and possible competitors on company profiles so you never miss an opportunity.

man with computer

Access Crunchbase Anywhere with Our New Chrome Extension

With the Chrome extension, leverage Crunchbase data to identify new opportunities without changing your workflow.

Woman sending email from Crunchbase and Outreach

Crunchbase Now Integrates with Outreach

With Crunchbase’s new Outreach integration, creating an effective sales prospecting workflow has never been easier.

Contacts Are Now On Crunchbase

With the addition of contact data and our new engagement suite, Crunchbase is more than just a place to discover fast-growing companies, it’s an all-in-one prospecting solution.

Qualify Leads and Understand Buying Power

Crunchbase’s new company employment signals help users focus on the companies that are growing and avoid the ones that are not.

Salesforce Integration

Sync the accounts you find in Crunchbase directly to your CRM, and even see which accounts are already there.

New Profile Experience

Spend less time searching for company information with Crunchbase’s redesigned company profiles.

Leadership Hire

Get notified when companies have added a new executive to their leadership team, indicating that a new decision-maker is on board.

Diversity Spotlight

View and search by diversity data in Crunchbase using our beta Diversity Spotlight features.

New Search & Homepage

A better way to find the companies that matter, a personalized homepage that gets you there faster and an expanded dataset with even more companies.

Edit Your Preferences

Update your preferences to focus on particular industry, location or company size.

Crunchbase Gender Tags

We’ve added “women led” and “women founded” tags to help you find and invest in underrepresented companies.