Looking to compare company profiles? Not only can you compare profiles, but you can also evaluate them using the metrics that matter to you.

For example, let’s say you’re a VC looking to invest in Healthcare. You invest in early-stage companies and want to know as much as possible about their funding activity. To find your next investment, build a Crunchbase Pro search for Trending Healthcare Companies. You’d like to compare your search results by Last Funding Amount, Last Funding Date, and Total Funding.

Edit Search Results’ Columns

To do this, edit the columns of the search:

How to edit columns of a Crunchbase Pro search.

How to edit columns of a Crunchbase Pro search to compare profiles.

A Quick Breakdown

  1. Click Columns.

How to compare Crunchbase profiles using the Columns button.


2. Click Last Funding Type, Last Funding Date, Total Funding, and Number of Employees to add these fields to our search results. Then click Apply Changes.

How to compare Crunchbase profiles by customizing columns.


3. The added criteria allow an easy comparison of the companies that are most relevant to you, making it easy to pinpoint the ones you want to research further.

How to compare Crunchbase profiles by adding search results to a list.



 Jumpstart your research or prospecting by comparing profiles with Columns in Crunchbase Pro.


  • Originally published January 3, 2018, updated April 26, 2023