
Crunchbase and Markets Insider have partnered together to bring Crunchbase insights to the world’s financial professionals. With this integration, we’ve worked closely with Markets Insider, a stock market site by Business Insider, to integrate private company information and key funding insights directly within Markets Insider’s company search.

Markets Insider visitors will now have the ability to search within Markets Insider’s site for private company information, providing their visitors with quick access to insights about these firms.

Where Crunchbase data is available, Markets Insider users will now see company details. This will include headquarters location, company size, and funding information. This partnership gives financial professionals the ability to streamline their research in one platform.

Search private and public company information – all in one place

Whether they’re an investor, analyst or a professional in finance –  Markets Insider users are always looking to find relevant, real-time information about companies they care about. Now their users can search private companies alongside public ones, with data powered by Crunchbase.

“We are excited to bring a whole new class of data to Markets Insider. Crunchbase is known for nailing the particularly challenging business of providing detailed, private-company information, and we can’t think of a better partner for this project,” Seth Archer, Director of Markets Insider, told Crunchbase.

With the growing significance of private companies, financial professionals will finally have a complete view and understanding of the market and industry trends to help them make the right business decisions.

With financial markets constantly in flux, staying on top of the latest market trends can prove to be challenging. With the new Crunchbase integration, Markets Insider’s users can now add private companies directly to their Watchlist, a single page to let users keep track of the assets they care about in real time.

How Crunchbase is democratizing access to company data

11 years ago Crunchbase was founded on the idea that company data should be accessible to everyone. We’re thrilled to expand upon on our mission and are excited that Markets Insider has chosen us to be their select data partner, another example of how we’re hard at work building Crunchbase data into your daily workflow, on all your favorite platforms.

Build your market research strategy with Crunchbase Pro

  • Originally published April 17, 2019, updated April 26, 2023