In honor of Pride Month, we are highlighting eight tech companies that champion LGBT rights. These companies celebrate pride by empowering and connecting members of the LGBT community.
We’ve assembled this list from a Crunchbase Pro search where we looked at companies that work to broaden the spectrum of life for the LGBTQ+ community. Many do so by creating a digital home where users can connect online and seek support. They address real-world issues and bring people together to embrace the diversity of the LGBT community.
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Whether through their own product or through a social action initiative, these companies are paving the way for a more equal and inclusive digital world. Here are eight that deserve recognition, this month and every month:
Total funding amount: $24.3 million
TomboyX is a gay-owned and operated clothing company that hit their stride offering gender-neutral underwear focused on comfort and functionality. Founded in 2013 by Fran Dunaway, the company offers a wide range of sizes sold directly to consumers.
Total funding amount: $24.5 million
Misterb&b is the largest gay hotelier in the world. With 60,000 hosts in over 135 countries, misterb&b aims to help gay men develop a sense of belonging to the global gay community.
Total funding amount: $6 million
Queer-owned clothing company Wildfang creates menswear-inspired fashions for women with a focus on inclusivity and body positivity. Also committed to supporting social causes, Wildfang donated over $400 thousand in 2018.
Hornet Networks
Total funding amount: $8.5 million
Hornet is the world’s premier gay social network. With 25 million diverse community members, the company’s mission is to build a digital home for the gay community. Hornet utilizes cutting-edge technology for its global platform to connect people and help them explore the world together with pride and confidence.
Total funding amount: $620K
GPSGAY is mobile app and website that offers a safe space online for the LGBT community to interact with each other. GPSGAY addresses social inclusion, work inclusion, health, and self-esteem issues. It also functions as a channel for organizations including the United Nations, IBM, and Unilever, that want to further engage with the LGBT community.
The Welcoming Committee
Total funding amount: $704K
The Welcoming Committee is a movement of LGBTQs whose mission is to broaden the spectrum of gay life. TWC creates communities and takes them to typically “straight” events and travel destinations.
PRIDE Wireless
Total funding amount: $225K
PRIDE Wireless is the first mobile-based connected community that offers LGBTQ consumers their own social networking, content, and shopping experience. PRIDE’s GIVEback Program is dedicated to returning a portion of every transaction back to the community to strengthen LGBTQ health, safety, and equality.
Total funding amount: $100K
Qmmunity is an app that aims to make LGBT mainstream. They are committed to empowering the diverse radiance of the LGBTQIA+ community.