Company search made easy

See how Crunchbase Pro can help you with your company search and do even more with Crunchbase. Check out these top Pro features:

🔍 Unlimited search filters
⚡️ Import lists
📊 Export functionality, not available in trial 
💾 Save custom searches

discover innovative companies

Find the investor or company you’re searching for with unlimited search filters and get granular with advanced search.


Track companies you care about

Export unlimited times into a CSV for additional analysis and company research.

Stay Updated with Custom alerts

We’ll notify you of the latest news as it happens. Get customizable alerts on funding rounds, acquisitions, and news directly to your inbox.


Data in a Flexible Format

Import lists of companies you care about, like prospects or competitors, and we’ll find their information for you.

join our thousands of customers

Now we are able to be far more targeted, with more direction and focus. Crunchbase Pro is helping us grow even faster than we predicted.
Manohar Kiran
Business and Growth Manager, AppVirality
Crunchbase Pro allows us to qualify accounts 3 times faster than before, and the flexibility of the data has been a lifesaver.
Engagio logo - Crunchbase Enterprise customer
Charlie L.
Director of Marketing, Engagio
For 15 years I have been using the same product, but Crunchbase Pro immediately blew it out of the water with the search tool’s level of detail and granularity.
Doug Johnson
Founder and President, Valor Partners
We save a lot of time by building granular searches, and can more easily create strategic market maps that our clients can use to grow from.
Dan Weiner
CEO, RevelOne

Frequently asked questions


Crunchbase Pro was built on top of our Crunchbase data to give our users more functionality. With Crunchbase Pro you will receive access to advanced search, charts on company profiles, statistics, alerts, premium data filters, and the functionality to export to CSV. Please note, free trial users are not able to export data.

Crunchbase Pro is $29 per month, paid annually. Annual subscriptions are paid upfront in full.

We currently offer an annual subscription for Crunchbase Pro. Annual subscriptions are paid upfront in full.

Yes. To help you continue your Crunchbase Pro experience, subscriptions are set to auto-renew after each billing cycle.

Crunchbase Pro users can export unlimited times up to 1,000 entity results per export from their Crunchbase Pro searches into a CSV. Free trial users are not able to export any results.

API access is not included with Crunchbase Pro. However, we do license out our data with Crunchbase Enterprise for internal use. If you’re interested in using Crunchbase data directly in your product, Crunchbase for Applications is the right plan for you.

Try Crunchbase Pro Free For 7 Days

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