Crunchbase Pro:

Make Informed Decisions with
AI-Powered Company Intelligence

Unlock proprietary data about the companies you care about and take action with confidence.

Make Smarter Decisions, Faster

Digging through multiple data sources can be time-consuming and frustrating. Crunchbase Pro intelligently surfaces the company data you need so you know when to act.

Find target companies at scale

  • Discover relevant companies: Use advanced search filters and best-in-class private company data to easily find companies that fit your criteria.
  • Receive custom recommendations: Get AI-powered recommendations and personalized fit scores based on your unique activity within Crunchbase.
  • Explore similar companies: See similar companies and competitors on company profiles, along with relevant insights like company size, location, and revenue.

Stay informed about company and market shifts

  • Understand company health: Get automated insights about a company’s growth trajectory, funding, and more.
  • Gain the competitive advantage: Know which companies or industries to target before your competitors do with AI insights.
  • Get data where you need it: Push data from Crunchbase to your favorite tools with Zapier and native integrations.

Take the next step with confidence

  • Prioritize the right opportunities: Take action when it matters using growth signals and real-time funding, acquisition, IPO, and news alerts.
  • Connect with key decision-makers: Cut through the noise with personalized email templates and snippets
  • Track your progress: Organize company lists with custom notes and tags, and track your relationship with them using stages.

Generated a 400% Increase in Meetings Booked

“Having the ability to get even more targeted in our messaging is one of the reasons Crunchbase is so helpful. We can quickly learn about a company, review insights that we can’t get anywhere else, and send tailored emails right to them without any additional work.”

Kyle Rasmussen, Head of Revenue

Qualifies Accounts 3x Faster Than Before

“We save an immense amount of time by using Crunchbase Pro. Our teams spend a fraction of the time they used to on research, lead generation, and qualification, and it’s benefited our entire business.”

Charlie L., Director of Marketing

Say Goodbye to Missed Opportunities

Quickly discover the companies that matter

Find the right companies with 55+ search filters and the AI search builder.

Gain a deep understanding of the market

Make data-driven decisions with an automated analysis of company health.

Track and monitor activity

Get real-time alerts on the industries and companies that matter to you.

Connect Crunchbase with 7000+ apps

Automatically sync Crunchbase data with your favorite tools using the Zapier integration.

Take advantage of premium data

Get intent data, tech stack data, contacts, and more from Crunchbase partners.

Try before you buy

Find the solution that suits your budget and team size and test it out with a free trial.