
2020 Crunchbase Diversity Spotlight Report

Historically, funding for Black and Latinx founders has paled in comparison to nonminority groups. In this report, we uncover just how wide the gap is for two of the largest minority groups in the U.S. and the opportunities that lie ahead to close it.

What’s Inside


Regions and States Boasting the Highest Funding to Black and Latinx Founders

Get the inside scoop on which areas in the U.S. see the most funding going to Black and Latinx founders.


The Percent of Venture Capital That Goes to Black- and Latinx-Founded Companies

Get an in-depth analysis of how funding has fared for Black and Latinx founders since 2015.


Most Active Investors in Black- and Latinx-Founded Companies

See which micro venture firms have been the most  active investors in companies with Black and Latinx founders.

Total Funding by Year

Black and Latinx founders have raised $2.3 billion in 2020. See what percentage this represents in comparison to the total amount raised by U.S. companies through August 2020.


Total Funding by Stage

See which stage the vast majority of Black- and Latinx-founded companies fall into, how much capital has been raised, and the opportunity for investors going forward.


Comprehensive Research on Funding for Black and Latinx founders

Get key insights on:

– The state of funding for Black and Latinx founders based on an analysis of over 970 companies

– Total venture dollars invested in Black and Latinx founded companies since 2015

– How investors can help address the lack of funding going towards Black and Latinx founders