Did you know that you can edit almost everything on CrunchBase?

See someone listed in the Current Team who’s moved on to another company? You can fix that. Found a Funding Round where the details are wrong? You can update that, too.

In fact, nearly 80,000 people have either edited or added to CrunchBase so far this year. That’s an astounding number by any measure, and we’re humbled by the continued support.

Today, we’re launching the Contributor Showcase to give our contributors the credit they deserve. Now, contributors’ pictures are featured on the companies, people, products, and events they help curate (see screenshot).


Clicking the “more” link reveals a full list of contributors and the ability to sort by date of last contribution (default) or number of contributions.

All Contributors

Clicking a name in the list of All Contributors reveals that user’s account page with the date the user joined CrunchBase, number of profiles the user is following, total number of contributions, and (if present) a brief bio.

User Account

This is one small step toward showcasing the passionate (and growing) community of CrunchBase users. We’re now thinking about how we can empower you to connect, share, and discuss in a way that only CrunchBase can facilitate.

Please let us know what you think.

  • Originally published November 6, 2014, updated April 26, 2023