Crunchbase CRM Enrichment for allows CRM users to enrich their board items with live company data to quickly identify qualified opportunities and inform outreach.

Unleash the potential of your business by effortlessly incorporating proprietary  company information from Crunchbase directly to your workspace.

Use Cases

  1. Target the right companies using key signals
    • Find companies in a position to make a deal using Crunchbase’s unique funding and revenue data, and inform outreach with real-time insights to reach out with relevant information at the right time.
  2. Spend less time searching and more time selling
    • Reduce manual search with best-in-class company data delivered right in your CRM, and enhance your automations by building workflow templates with advanced Crunchbase data to surface qualified accounts.
  3. Ensure CRM data hygiene and freshness
    • Set up recurring updates to your CRM records and get automatically refreshed data at the cadence of your choice.

Installation & First Use


  1. Prepare a board having all the necessary fields pre-configured before the integration setup process begins. All available Crunchbase fields with corresponding column types are listed below in the Functional Overview section. 
  2. During the application setup, you’ll need to authenticate access to your Crunchbase account by providing your Enterprise / Internal Data license API key. To get your API key, please reach out to your Crunchbase Customer Success Manager.


  1. Install the Crunchbase CRM Enrichment app from the apps marketplace.
  2. Once installed, go to your previously prepared board to set up the integration.
    ​​Note: Only one Crunchbase integration recipe can be established per board.
  3. Go to the integration menu on the top right.
  4. Find Crunchbase CRM Enrichment in the Integrations Center.
  5. Click on the integration and choose the included template recipe.
  6. On the next step, authorize your Crunchbase CRM Enrichment app into platform by providing your Crunchbase API key prepared earlier.
    Note: In order to change the API key after the integration recipe setup, the Crunchbase CRM Enrichment app should be completely reinstalled.
  7. For recipe configuration, set up the following parameters
    • Choose the appropriate Text column dedicated to a company website
      • Filling in the website field narrows down the search criteria in cases when there are companies with the same name returned in Crunchbase, so users can specify which exact company they want to integrate. If the website is not specified, the company with the highest Crunchbase rank is integrated to the board by default.
    • Click on the “fields” option to set up the field mapping between Crunchbase fields and board columns.
      • Name and Website columns should not be mapped to any of the Сrunchbase fields in the dynamic fields mapping. These two columns should be manually populated on the board to trigger the integration process. 
    • Select the “error” Text column for error message specification in case any should arise.
  8. Once you are done with the recipe configuration, click the “Add to Board” button.
  9. That’s all! Now live company data will be automatically added to your board on each item create or update action in accordance to your integration recipe configuration.

Functional Overview


  1. Target the right companies using key signals
  2. Spend less time searching and more time selling
  3. Ensure CRM data hygiene and freshness
  4. On the initial recipe setup user is prompted for the Crunchbase API key. As soon as the API key is submitted, the app checks its validity, and allows the user to set up a recipe.
  5. One Crunchbase API key persists per account and is used for all recipes/requests configured under this account.
  6. In order to change the Crunchbase account after the initial integration recipe setup, the app should be completely reinstalled.


  1. The integration is triggered when one of the following events occurs:
    • A new item (line) is created on board
    • Items’ name is updated
    • Items’ website is set
    • Items’ website is updated
  2. Name is the primary identifier used to find the appropriate company in Crunchbase.
  3. Website is an additional identifier not mandatory for filling. It helps to narrow down the search criteria in case when there are companies with the same name returned in Crunchbase, so users can specify which exact company they want to integrate. If the website is not specified, the company with the highest Crunchbase rank would be integrated to the board.
  4. Once a day integration is automatically run to sync all existing company entries presented on the board with Crunchbase and updates the board items with new values if any are found.
  5. The following table displays 50 Crunchbase fields that can be mapped and integrated to your board. Please use only specified column types for seamless integration.
Crunchbase column typesNotes
Acquired ByText column
Acquired DateDate column
Acquired PriceNumbers column
All InvestorsLong Text column
CityText column
Closed DateDate column
Company NameName columnCompany Name is automatically taken from the Name column, so it’s not presented in the dynamic fields mapping.
Contact EmailEmail column
CountryText column
Crunchbase CategoriesDropdown column
Crunchbase RankNumbers column
Movement (last 30 days)
Crunchbase Rank Movement (last 90 days)Numbers column
Crunchbase URLLink column
Diversity SpotlightLong text column
Founded DateDate column
Full DescriptionLong text column
Hub TagsLong text column
Top 5 InvestorsLong text column
IPO DateDate column
Latest Acquired CompanyText column
Latest Acquisition DateDate column
Latest Acquisition PriceNumbers column
Latest Investment – Amount Invested (USD)Numbers column
Latest Investment – CompanyText column
Latest Investment – DateDate column
Latest Round – DateDate column
Latest Round – Funding Type / SeriesStatus column
Latest Round – Money Raised (USD)Numbers column
Legal NameText column
Number of Acquisitions (#)Numbers column
Number of EmployeesStatus column
Number of FoundersNumbers column
Number of Funding Rounds (#)Numbers column
Number of Investments (#)Numbers column
Number of Investors (#)Numbers column
Organization StatusStatus column
Phone NumberText column
Postal CodeText column
Profile Image URLLink column
RegionText column
Revenue Range (USD)Status column
Short DescriptionText column
Stock ExchangeText column
Stock SymbolText column
StreetText column
Total Funding (USD)Numbers column
Total Money Invested (USD)Numbers column
WebsiteText columnWebsite field has a separate selection in the integration recipe, so it is not presented in the dynamic fields mapping.

Special Cases

  1. If a company is not found by the provided name or name and website, users will be notified and the corresponding board item will be updated with the appropriate error message. The same happens if there is no match between the provided name and website.
  2. If there are multiple companies with the same name returned in Crunchbase, the company with the highest rank would be integrated to the board.
  3. If Crunchbase API rate limit is reached, users will be notified appropriately. All items that remained unprocessed would be processed on the next automatic integration run (triggered once a day) or should be recreated/updated for the immediate integration run.