Here at Crunchbase we celebrate International Women’s Day everyday. We understand the importance of maintaining a gender parity mindset, as well as challenging stereotypes and bias. We fight to influence others and believe it’s the responsibility of our whole community to move towards equality and opportunity.
“I celebrate Women’s Day each year for all the women I meet who seek to make a difference in the world.”
– Gene Teare, Head of Content
“It’s a day of celebration. But most importantly, a day to reflect that we need to do so much more for equality for women everywhere. The gender pay gap still exists, and women are not represented equally in business and politics.”
– Li-Anne Dias, Graphic Designer
The women of Crunchbase make significant impacts each and every day, not only in their work but also in their communities. We are honored to have brilliant minds collectively pressing for progress and fighting for change that is long overdue. Together, the women and men of Crunchbase are making a difference each day by setting the standard. That standard is equality for everyone and we will not stand for anything less.
“As a queer woman of color, today means visibility and the chance to see women like myself uplifted, embraced, and celebrated in a way I didn’t growing up. And going beyond myself, it’s a day to really come together, learn more about each other, draw attention to the causes we are fighting for, and truly honor the women who have come before us, the women we are, and the women of tomorrow.”
– Natalie Blardony, Sales Development Representative
Crunchbase is also dedicated to highlighting the achievements and challenges of women in tech. We spend time searching our dataset for trends and identifying areas for improvement. We can’t solve problems that we don’t understand, and our team elevates role models and exposes areas that need attention. It’s our responsibility to take steps to empower women to take on opportunities and have the support to succeed.
“A day to stop and appreciate the women around us
The worries about,
the expectations that come with,
the judgment.
The hard work that is overlooked,
the looks that are overbearing,
The bearing that is done with a smile
the smile that they told you was pretty.
A day to remember that one day such days
will be gone
unnecessary, forgotten
As gender distinctions disappear.”
– Danielle Ben-Gera, Lead Data Engineer
We are proud to be a team that is always #PressingForProgress. And with that, happy international women’s day!