City.AI Creates AI Ecosystem Wiki, Featuring Crunchbase Data

Through a data partnership with Crunchbase, City.AI launched the AI Ecosystem Wiki. The AI Wiki aims to aggregate relevant artificial intelligence startups, events, influencers, and groups in 26 active ecosystems.

City.AI sees need for global AI collaboration

City.AI follows the mission of “enabling the diverse and responsible development and application of AI.” As their first global initiative, the AI Wiki is an open directory of AI ecosystem information designed to promote collaboration between the global AI community. In this case, Crunchbase served as the data partner and contributed data related to startups, people, and events.

The 26 ecosystems featured in the launch come from 6 continents. The launching cities include:

Amsterdam, Austin, Bangalore, Bangkok, Beirut, Berlin, Bogota, Brussels, Bucharest, Cairo, Cape Town, Cluj, Kathmandu, La Paz, London, Munich, Nairobi, New York, Novi Sad, Oslo, Paris, Rotterdam, Singapore, The Hague, Valletta, and Zurich.

Growth of the AI Wiki

In addition, City.AI has ambitious goals to grow the AI Wiki over the next few years. As it develops, they hope to add the ability for each user to add, edit, and track information, as well as create an improved user experience. Furthermore, they’re looking to cover 150 cities by the end of 2020, and over 500 in the long term. 

AI ecosystem growth in 2019

According to Crunchbase data, investment in AI reached an all-time high in 2019. This follows investment in AI technology growing almost six-fold from 2014 to 2018. Regions seeing large growth include the US, the UK, Israel, and China. 

Read more about how AI investment reached a record high in the UK.

Some of the top AI investments in 2019 include:

Visit AI Wiki to discover all 26 active ecosystems.

  • Originally published December 17, 2019